Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hi y'all!

I wanted to qualify my previous post from this morning as I am contemplating privacy issues.  Please EMAIL me if you would like added to my email newsletter distribution list and DO NOT REPLY to the comments section as this is a public blog.  Email communications will be separate from my blog.  I may be able to email prayer requests and quick updates much more frequently than I plan to keep my blog updated. (Blogging will likely be more reflective pieces that I plan to compose monthly).

I will never share your email address.  Once added to my distribution list, you will not be able to see the emails of others included on the mailing.

My email address is listed on my prayer magnets, but here it is again: halke.glenn@gmail.com

Thank you EMPHATICALLY for helping me out.  All of this ground work now will help me stay connected with you once I am in the bush!

Have a great rest of your day,

Some housekeeping...

Howdy y'all!

I am here at orientation at Samaritan's Purse's international headquarters in Boone, NC.  The week is going well as they fill our heads and hearts with useful information to ponder.  Feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment, but I rest in God's peace.  One thing I know is that I am completely humbled by the prospects of entering into this call...I am beginning to feel incredibly inadequate for all that lies ahead, but thank God! because he chooses the weak to confound the wise 1 Cor 1:27 ESV, and it is not by might nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord Zech 4:6 ESV,  and all things are possible through Christ who gives me strength Phil 4:13!

One thing I ask from you, could you please provide me your email address if you would like to be placed on my e-mailing list?  If so,  provide your name and email in the comments section below.  This will help me immensely!  More to come as I finish up orientation and reflect on all God has taught me through this time.

All for Jesus!